VH Software

Software Consulting and Development


I'm Volkan Hacimüftüoglu, M.Sc.

Software Developer and Startup entrepreneur

  • Age 27
  • Address Ricarda Huch Straße, 67067 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
  • E-mail info@vh-software.de
  • Phone +49 179 17 28 996

Download CV

Hello! I’m Volkan. Web Developer working as a full stack developer specializing front end development. Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including JavaScript, SQL, and C. Stng background in project management and customer relations.

Professional Skills

Java / Java EE

Most frequently used tools

  • Software: IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse,Oomph, Photoshop, Visual Studio Code
  • Programming Languages: Java, PHP
  • Frameworks: React.js, AngularJS, Angular 2,  Spring,  Spring Boot, hibernate, liquibase, Laravel
  • Database technologies: MySQL, Neo4J, Oracle
  • Toolkits: jenkins, docker, npm, Maven, Apache Ant, git, Subversion, Chocolatey, JIRA, yeoman, JHipster
  • Eclipse Plugins: Checkstyle, FindBugs,Sonarqube

Full Stack Software Development


UI/UX design, Site Architecture

Web Development

UI and UX design




UI/UX design, Site Architecture


UI and UX design



Work Experience

10/2018 – now

Software Engineer & Consulting


8/2017 – 4/2018

React Developer

Extending of a React based application.

10/2015 – 2/2017

Software Developer

Development of a survey managment tool.

My Clients



Master of Computer Science

technical university of darmstadt

Passed moduls:

IT Security:
Introduction to Cryptography
Public Key Infrastructures

Computer Networks and Distributed Systems:
Communication Networks I
Communication Networks II
TK1: Distributed Systems

Visual & Interactive Computing:
Image Processing
TK2: Human Computer Interaction
User-Centered Design in Visual Computing
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

Web, Knowledge and Information Processing:
Data Mining and Machine Learning
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Software Systems and Formal Methods:
Compiler I: Fundamentals
Software-Engineering - Maintenance and Quality Assurance
Java Game Framework
C/C++ Programming Lab

Computer Science in Civil Engineering
Informatics in Civil Engineering I
Informatics in Civil Engineering II
Knowledge based CAE/CAD
High Performance Engineering Simulations

Master thesis topic:
Reduction of the complexity in process models in the context of Process Mining,
grade: 1.3 (very good)


Bachelor of Computer Science

technical university of darmstadt

Passed moduls:

Foundations of Computer Science I
Foundations of Computer Science II
Foundations of Computer Science III
Technical Foundations of Computer Science
Formal Principles of Computer Science I: Automata and Formal Languages
Formal Principles of Computer Science II: Logic for Computer Science
Formal Principles of Computer Science III
Mathematics I (for Computer Science)
Mathematics II (for Computer Science)
Mathematik III für Informatiker

Introduction into major fields of Computer Science
Introduction to Computational Engineering
Introduction to Computer Microsystems
Introduction to Foundations of Computing
Introduction to Human Computer Systems
Introduction to Data and Knowledge Engineering
Introduction to Net Centric Systems
Introduction to Software Engineering
Introduction to Trusted Systems

Bachelor thesis topic:
Provisioning of structured data for a
search engine for student thesis’ offers,
grade: 1.7 (good)



Carl Benz Schule Mannheim (Technisches Gymnasium)

My personal interests

When I am not coding my next project, I enjoy spending my time doing any of the following:

  • And I am meeting more people and creating new opportunities.
  • I am reading books especially biographies.
  • Furthermore, I like doing sports like playing football or climbing.
  • Climbing
  • Reading
  • Sports

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me

  • E-mail info@vh-software.de
  • Phone +49 179 17 28 996
  • Address Ricarda Huch Straße 2a,
    67067 Ludwigshafen am Rhein